The Program
The Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences (stricto sensu) aims to further professional development (both technical and scientific) and deepen studies in the environmental field, focusing on diverse socioeconomic contexts that face environmental challenges related to agricultural and industrial activities. Such activities have the potential to significantly alter natural resources. Our research seeks to address the sustainable management and conservation of these resources, emphasizing the ecological and socioeconomic dynamics that impact both local and global scales. Additionally, we strive to develop scientific and technological knowledge focused on the creation and improvement of processes and materials with environmental applications. This includes the characterization and mitigation of environmental liabilities, the valorization of industrial waste, and the bioprospecting of bioactive compounds from plants.
The program’s broad approach allows us to tackle environmental challenges from both socioeconomic and technological perspectives, promoting innovative and sustainable solutions for the preservation and rational use of natural resources. In this way, the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences (stricto sensu) aligns with the needs of both the public and private sectors, advancing environmental studies and seeking alternatives to mitigate or resolve the impacts caused by human activities.
Furthermore, every Postgraduate Program in the Environmental Sciences field contributes inherently to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their specific targets. In this regard, CAPES’ Environmental Sciences field has organized Brazil’s Postgraduate Programs into 14 thematic clusters around the 17 SDGs of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. The Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCA) at Unochapecó is part of Cluster 11, representing the integration of participating programs and the construction of a collaborative agenda and partnerships around prioritized themes and SDGs (
Target Audience
Professionals from the fields of Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, Engineering, and Health.
Degrees Offered
Master's or PhD in Environmental Sciences.
Research Area 1 – Socio-Environmental Dynamics and Biodiversity
This research area focuses on studying biodiversity and the socio-environmental conflicts resulting from development projects, land use, and landscape changes over time, as well as the management, conservation, and sustainable use of natural resources. These issues are inherent to the economic, ecological, and social dynamics of the region where the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences operates, taking into account the interconnections between local, regional, and global spaces. This research area is structured around the following Thematic Projects:
- Diversity, management, and conservation of fauna and flora in the biomes of southern Brazil
- Ecological dynamics and environmental conflicts in western Santa Catarina
Research Area 2 – Environmental Technologies
The Environmental Technologies research area is aimed at generating scientific and technological knowledge for the development and enhancement of processes and materials with potential environmental applications. The thematic projects focus on characterizing the effects of and reducing environmental liabilities, as well as valuing industrial waste. This area also includes the study of plants for the bioprospecting of active compounds. The research area is organized into the following Thematic Projects:
- Detection and monitoring of risks in environmental systems
- Biological and chemical activity of natural products
- Materials and systems with environmental applications
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Bolsas de estudos
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