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Sign Up! Special Topic: Actors, Power, and Global-Local Governance


The course "Special Topic: Actors, Power, and Global-Local Governance" is taught in English and offered as part of the Post-Graduation Program of UNOCHAPECO - Community University of Chapecó Region - Brazil, in our International Actors research field. However, considering the subject and the introductory level of readings/debates, students with different academic backgrounds/skills will be able to attend it. There are usually students of Law/Political Science/IR - undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate fellows, for example.

Registrations are in progress (click here), so students and researchers are very welcome to participate, and foreign applications are free of any charge. Registered students are entitled to a certificate of attendance. All classes are virtual and will take place via Zoom. 

In order to attend different time zones, classes will take place from 9am to 4pm Brasilia local time (GMT -3) with a short 1 hour lunch/rest break, following a 10 topics program with previously assigned readings.  All readings are in English, and will be provided by us directly to students before starting.


Schedule: On Saturdays,  from 9am to 4pm local time - Brasilia or GMT-3


September 14th

September 28th

October 19th

November 9th

November 23rd

November  30th


Students are entitled to a final certificate, and approval requirements are the following:

- virtual presence and participation in classes;

- presentation of at least 1 short seminar in English;

- writing of a final short paper in English on the course subject (2/3 pages long).


For further information and registration procedures please contact directly the International Office of UNOCHAPECO (arni@unochapeco.edu.br). 

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